EFTERLEVANDEGUIDEN - a collaboration between public authorities intended to make it easier for those who have lost a loved one



Efterlevandeguiden is intended to assist survivors and those who support them, whether that be friends, family or anyone else. The independent website efterlevandeguiden.se gathers the most important information you need to know when you lose a loved one.

About Efterlevandeguiden

Efterlevnadsguiden is a website containing aggregated information from public authorities intended to assist those who have recently lost a loved one. The website is a collaboration between three Swedish government agencies: the Swedish social insurance agency (Försäkringskassan), the Swedish Pensions Agency (Pensionsmyndigheten) and the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).

Efterlevandeguiden is the joint responsibility of three government agencies

The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket),
the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) and the Swedish Pensions Agency (Pensionsmyndigheten) have jointly developed efterlevandeguiden.se and are jointly responsible for ensuring that the information contained there is accurate and neutral.

Brochure available to print out

It is possible to print out each page of Efterlevandeguiden using your browser’s print function. You can also download the Survivor’s Guide Checklist in PDF format and print that out.

Efterlevandeguiden Checklist (in English)

Efterlevandeguiden Checklist in PDF (in English) Pdf, 257.6 kB.

An adjustable Checklist according to date of death (in Swedish)

The content of the Efterlevandeguiden is limited

As the content of the Guide may not cover everything that is relevant to your own situation, the website will also refer you to other public authorities that can provide further information.

If you have personal questions or concerns about issues related to your specific situation, please contact the relevant authority.

Contact details for organisations and Swedish authorities

Improve Efterlevandeguiden

In order to ensure that you always receive the help and guidance you need, we continuously work to improve efterlevandeguiden.se. Please feel free to contact us with your opinions and comments on the website. While we do read all of the feedback we receive, unfortunately it is not possible to reply to questions individually.

Send a message to efterlevandeguiden.se External link.

Useful information

There are other websites in addition to efterlevandeguiden.se that have been developed in collaborations between government agencies, non-governmental organisations and the private sector.

Ask others to help you

Do not hesitate to ask for help with what feels difficult and to receive help if you are offered.

Last updated: 2021-06-11